Disclaimer: These are planning documents. The functionalities described here may be unimplemented, partially implemented, or implemented differently than the original design.

Publisher for Scabbard v3


The publisher component is in charge of executing pending batches and building the finished result that will be used by some supervisor in consensus agreement. The published result may be a block, like in Sawtooth or the execution result of one or more batches like in Scabbard.

The following design proposes an implementation for publishing that is flexible for many use cases while keeping in mind reducing the required number of threads that are actively running at one time. Thread reduction is important for high availability requirements for v3 Scabbard.

Guide-level explanation

The publisher is in charge of returning the next item to publish to the supervisor and consensus. It will return the Artifact to agree upon, for example a block or a batch execution result. The publisher needs to be able to continue to publish until it is told to stop. The work may be canceled if the building Artifact will no longer be valid, for example if the current chain head has changed.

The following design is done with the goal of defining Rust structs that would take a set of traits. These traits would allow the same publisher structs to be used in any situation (e.i. Scabbard or Sawtooth).

The supervisor will use a PublishFactory that will be used to start the execution. Once started, a PublishHandle is returned that is used to finish or cancel the publishing.


The supervisor will tell the publisher to start building a new Artifact. This is done prior to consensus actually being ready to publish to avoid having to wait for the completion of transaction processing before receiving the result.

The publisher will get batches from an iterator passed on start. The publisher will pass the batch/batches to the BatchVerifier, which will return batch execution results. Results will not be returned until finish() is called. If the implementation allows for multiple batches, this allows for batches to continue to be added and scheduled if they are available.


When the supervisor is ready to publish a new Artifact, it will call finish() on the PublishHandle. At this time, implementations should abort any scheduled and current batch validation. The completed batch execution results will be converted to the expected Artifact and returned to the supervisor.


It is possible that work that is in progress will never be published, for example if the state root hash has changed. Therefore, the supervisor tells the PublishHandle to cancel() the current work, aborting all execution and throwing away any completed batch execution results.

Reference-level explanation

Traits used by Publisher

The following traits will be used by either being Boxed and passed to the structs, as generics or as associated types. The traits will live in the Sawtooth library.


The return type after publishing is complete. Defines one of the generics for the publisher. It will live in sawtooth-lib.

/// An artifact.
/// An artifact is an identifiable product of the publishing process and the 
/// core value to be validated by a system based on Sawtooth.
pub trait Artifact: Clone + Send {
    /// The type of the identifier.
    type Identifier: ?Sized;

    /// Returns a reference to this artifact's identifier.
    fn artifact_id(&self) -> &Self::Identifier;


The context that contains specific information for the building Artifact. This trait will live in sawtooth-lib and is used to define one of the generics for the publisher.

/// The context used by the publisher
pub trait PublishingContext: Send {}


The trait for a batch that will be used by the publisher. This trait will live in sawtooth-lib and is used to define one of the generics for the publisher.

pub trait Batch: Send {}


This trait will be Boxed and used to generate the resulting Artifact from the resulting execution results.

/// An artifact creator.
/// Used to create new instances of `Artifact`.
pub trait ArtifactCreator: Send {
    /// The context that contains extraneous information required to create the
    /// `Artifact`.
    type Context;
    /// The type of input for the specific `Artifact`
    type Input;
    /// The `Artifact` type
    type Artifact;

    /// Creates a new `Artifact`
    /// Returns a an `Artifact` created from the context and input
    fn create(
        context: &mut Self::Context,
        input: Self::Input,
    ) -> Result<Self::Artifact, InternalError>;

The publisher will receive a factory for creating this creator, as one is required per call to start().

/// An artifact creator factory.
/// Used to create new instances of `ArtifactCreator`.
pub trait ArtifactCreatorFactory {
    /// The `ArtifactCreator` type
    type ArtifactCreator;

    /// Returns a new `ArtifactCreator`
    fn new_creator(&self) -> Result<Self::ArtifactCreator, InternalError>;


This trait will be used to get the pending batches, from the PendingQueue for example. This is similar to an Iterator but needs to be Send. A Boxed version will be passed on start.

/// Return the next `Batch` that should be executed
pub trait PendingBatches<B: Batch>: Send {
    fn next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<B>, InternalError>;


This trait will be used to execute the transactions inside of the batches and return a list of BatchExecutionResults. This trait is meant to mimic the Scheduler trait in Transact, however it is currently simplified to take out any assumptions about the threading model in the Executor and Scheduler.

/// Result of executing a batch.
pub trait BatchExecutionResult: Send {}

/// Verify the contents of a `Batch` and its transactions
pub trait BatchVerifier: Send {
    type Batch: Batch;
    type Context: PublishingContext;
    type ExecutionResult: BatchExecutionResult;

    /// Add a new batch to the verifier
    fn add_batch(&mut self, batch: Self::Batch) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

    /// Finalize the verification of the batches, returning the execution results of batches
    /// that have completed execution.
    fn finalize(&mut self) -> Result<Vec<Self::ExecutionResult>, InternalError>;

    /// Cancel exeuction of batches, discarding all excution results
    fn cancel(&mut self) -> Result<(), InternalError>;

When looking at the current uses of Scheduler.result_callback(), all examples either directly send the new batch result over a channel or convert it into a SchedulerEvent(Result, Complete, Error) which is required to know when all batches have been completed. This finalize method would not be useful for the use case where all batches submitted must be completed, but does work for the publisher where execution must be able to be halted at any point.

A new batch verifier will be created when new publishing begins. As such, the publisher will have a BatchVerifierFactory.

/// A Factory to create `BatchVerifier` instances
pub trait BatchVerifierFactory {
    type Batch: Batch;
    type Context: PublishingContext;
    type ExecutionResult: BatchExecutionResult;

    // allow type complexity here because of the use of associated types
    /// Start execution of batches in relation to a specific context by
    /// returning a `BatchVerifier`
    fn start(
        &mut self,
        context: Self::Context,
    ) -> Result<
            dyn BatchVerifier<
                Batch = Self::Batch,
                Context = Self::Context,
                ExecutionResult = Self::ExecutionResult,

Publisher Structs

The following structs are meant to only be implemented once and should be flexible enough to be used for all future use cases. This is possible by using both generics and Boxed trait implementations. The publisher will be made up of two main structs called the PublishFactory and PublishHandle.


The PublishFactory will be owned by a supervisor and will be used to start the publishing for a Artifact. The supervisor will pass a PublishingContext and Box<PendingBatches> to the start() function. The PublishFactory will spin up a thread for the context.

pub enum PublishMessage {

pub struct PublishFactory<B, C, R, I>
    B: 'static + Batch + Clone,
    C: 'static + PublishingContext + Clone,
    R: 'static + Artifact,
    I: 'static + BatchExecutionResult,
    artifact_creator_factory: Box<
        dyn ArtifactCreatorFactory<
            ArtifactCreator = Box<dyn ArtifactCreator<Context = C, Input = Vec<I>, Artifact = R>>,
        Box<dyn BatchVerifierFactory<Batch = B, Context = C, ExecutionResult = I>>,

impl<B, C, R, I> PublishFactory<B, C, R, I>
    B: 'static + Batch + Clone,
    C: 'static + PublishingContext + Clone,
    R: 'static + Artifact,
    I: 'static + BatchExecutionResult,
    pub fn new(
        artifact_creator_factory: Box<
            dyn ArtifactCreatorFactory<
                ArtifactCreator = Box<
                    dyn ArtifactCreator<Context = C, Input = Vec<I>, Artifact = R>,
        batch_verifier_factory: Box<
            dyn BatchVerifierFactory<Batch = B, Context = C, ExecutionResult = I>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {

impl<B, C, R, I> PublishFactory<B, C, R, I>
    B: 'static + Batch + Clone,
    C: 'static + PublishingContext + Clone,
    R: 'static + Artifact,
    I: 'static + BatchExecutionResult,
    pub fn new(
        artifact_creator_factory: Box<
            dyn ArtifactCreatorFactory<
                ArtifactCreator = Box<
                    dyn ArtifactCreator<Context = C, Input = Vec<I>, Artifact = R>,
        batch_verifier_factory: Box<
            dyn BatchVerifierFactory<Batch = B, Context = C, ExecutionResult = I>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {

impl<B, C, R, I> PublishFactory<B, C, R, I>
    B: 'static + Batch + Clone,
    C: 'static + PublishingContext + Clone,
    R: 'static + Artifact,
    I: 'static + BatchExecutionResult,
    /// Start building the next `Artifact`
    /// # Arguments
    /// * `context` - Implementation specific context for the publisher
    /// * `batches` - An interator the returns the next batch to execute
    /// Returns a PublishHandle that can be used to finish or cancel the executing batch
    pub fn start(
        &mut self,
        mut context: C,
        mut batches: Box<dyn PendingBatches<B>>,
    ) -> Result<PublishHandle<R>, InternalError> {
        let (sender, rc) = channel();
        let mut verifier = self.batch_verifier_factory.start(context.clone())?;
        let artifact_creator = self.artifact_creator_factory.new_creator()?;
        let join_handle = thread::spawn(move || loop {
            // drain the queue
            while let Some(batch) = batches.next().map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())? {
                    .map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())?;

            // Check to see if the batch result should be finished/canceled
            match rc.recv() {
                Ok(PublishMessage::Cancel) => {
                    verifier.cancel().map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())?;
                    return Ok(None);
                Ok(PublishMessage::Finish) => {
                    let results = verifier.finalize().map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())?;

                    return Ok(Some(
                            .create(&mut context, results)
                            .map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())?,
                Ok(PublishMessage::Dropped) => {
                    return Ok(None);
                Ok(PublishMessage::Next) => {
                    while let Some(batch) = batches.next().map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())? {
                            .map_err(|err| err.reduce_to_string())?;
                Err(err) => {
                    return Err(InternalError::from_source(Box::new(err)).reduce_to_string());

        Ok(PublishHandle::new(sender, join_handle))


Once the thread is created a PublishHandler will be returned that can be used by the supervisor to cancel or finish the execution, and receive the finished Artifacts.

If the PublishHandle is dropped without calling either function, the thread will also be shutdown without issue.

/// Handler for interating with a publishing thread
pub struct PublishHandle<R>
    R: Artifact,
    sender: Option<Sender<PublishMessage>>,
    join_handle: Option<thread::JoinHandle<Result<Option<R>, String>>>,

impl<R> PublishHandle<R>
    R: Artifact,
    /// Create a new `PublishHandle`
    /// Arguments
    /// * `sender` - The `Sender` for seting updates to the publishing thread
    /// * `join_handle` - The `JoinHandle` to the publishing thread, used to get the published
    ///    `Artifact`
    pub fn new(
        sender: Sender<PublishMessage>,
        join_handle: thread::JoinHandle<Result<Option<R>, String>>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self {
            sender: Some(sender),
            join_handle: Some(join_handle),

    /// Finish constructing the block, returning a result that contains the bytes that consensus
    /// must agree upon and a list of TransactionReceipts. Any batches that are not finished
    /// processing, will be returned to the pending state.
    pub fn finish(mut self) -> Result<R, InternalError> {
        if let Some(sender) = self.sender.take() {
                .map_err(|err| InternalError::from_source(Box::new(err)))?;
            match self
                .ok_or_else(|| InternalError::with_message("Missing join handle".into()))?
                .map_err(|err| {
                        "Unable to call join on join handle: {:?}",
                })? {
                Ok(Some(result)) => Ok(result),
                // no result returned
                Ok(None) => Err(InternalError::with_message(
                    "Publishing was finalized, should have received results".into(),
                Err(err) => Err(InternalError::with_message(err)),
        } else {
            // already called finish or cancel
                "Publishing has already been finished or canceled".into(),

    /// Cancel the currently building block, putting all batches back into a pending state
    pub fn cancel(mut self) -> Result<(), InternalError> {
        if let Some(sender) = self.sender.take() {
                .map_err(|err| InternalError::from_source(Box::new(err)))?;
            match self
                .ok_or_else(|| InternalError::with_message("Missing join handle".into()))?
                .map_err(|err| {
                        "Unable to call join on join handle: {:?}",
                })? {
                // Did not expect any results
                Ok(Some(_)) => Err(InternalError::with_message(
                    "Publishing was cancel, should not have got results".into(),
                Ok(None) => Ok(()),
                Err(err) => Err(InternalError::with_message(err)),
        } else {
            // already called finish or cancel
                "Publishing has already been finished or canceled".into(),

    /// Notify that there is a batch added to the pending queue
    pub fn next_batch(&self) -> Result<(), InternalError> {
        if let Some(sender) = &self.sender {
                .map_err(|err| InternalError::from_source(Box::new(err)))
        } else {

impl<R> Drop for PublishHandle<R>
    R: Artifact,
    fn drop(&mut self) {
        if let Some(sender) = self.sender.take() {
            match sender.send(PublishMessage::Dropped) {
                Ok(_) => (),
                Err(_) => {
                    error!("Unable to shutdown Publisher thread")


An example of using the above API is as follows:

let artifact_creator_factory = Box::new(TestArtifactCreatorFactory {});
let batch_verifier_factory = Box::new(TestBatchVerifierFactory {});

let mut publish_factory: PublishFactory<
> = PublishFactory::new(artifact_creator_factory, batch_verifier_factory);

let pending_batches = Box::new(BatchIter {
    batches: vec![TestBatch {
        value: "value_1".to_string(),

let context = Arc::new(Mutex::new(TestContext {
    current_block_height: 0,
    current_state_value: "genesis".to_string(),

// Start publishing for first batch
let publish_handle = publish_factory
    .start(context.clone(), pending_batches)
    .expect("Unable to start publishing thread");

    .expect("Unable to notify publisher thread of new batch");
// Finish the publishing of the artifact
let artifact = publish_handle
    .expect("Unable to finalize publishing thread");

assert_eq!(artifact.block_height, 1);
assert_eq!(artifact.current_value, "value_1".to_string());

Rationale and alternatives

Another option investigated was to define the Publisher as a set of traits that would require every use case to create their own implementation.

While this would allow for more flexibility, it would require more work by developers when working on a new use case. We do not currently have any use case that differs from the above process.

Prior art

This design is inspired by the existing Publisher in Sawtooth Core and the Sawtooth library. As well as the publishing process that is used in Scabbard and the transaction execution process in Transact.

Unresolved questions

Should the PublisherFactory enforce the number of threads allowed with a thread pool? Or should the caller control how many publishing threads should exist, as publisher threads correlated to the number of PublishHandles?

The current Transact implementation requires several threads running for the transaction execution. How this API may be improved to reduce the number of threads required is yet to be determined.

Sequence Diagrams

Finalize Artifact

sequenceDiagram participant Supervisor participant PublisherFactory Participant PublishHandle participant PendingBatches participant BatchVerifier participant BatchVerifierFactory participant ArtifactCreator participant ArtifactCreatorFactory rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,PendingBatches: Setup publishing for an Artifact Supervisor ->>+ PublisherFactory: Start publishing PublisherFactory ->> BatchVerifierFactory: Create Batch Verifier BatchVerifierFactory -->> PublisherFactory: Return BatchVerifier activate BatchVerifier PublisherFactory ->> ArtifactCreatorFactory: Create ArtifactCreator ArtifactCreatorFactory -->> PublisherFactory: Return ArtifactCreator PublisherFactory ->> PublishHandle: PublishHandle::new() PublishHandle -->> PublisherFactory: Return PublishHandle %% update for functions calls PublisherFactory -->>- Supervisor: Return PublishHandle end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,PendingBatches: Processing batches loop When a new batch is available Supervisor ->> PublishHandle: A Batch is available loop Drain pending batches PublishHandle ->> PendingBatches: Request a pending Batch PendingBatches -->> PublishHandle: Some(Batch) PublishHandle ->> BatchVerifier: Add Batch to BatchVerifier end end end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,BatchVerifier: Publish a new Artifact Supervisor ->> PublishHandle: Notify of RequestForStart PublishHandle ->> BatchVerifier: Finalize publishing BatchVerifier -->> PublishHandle: Vec<BatchExecutionResult> deactivate BatchVerifier PublishHandle ->> +ArtifactCreator: Create Artifact ArtifactCreator -->>- PublishHandle: Return Artifact PublishHandle -->> Supervisor: Publish Artifact end

Cancel Artifact

sequenceDiagram participant Supervisor participant PublisherFactory Participant PublishHandle participant PendingBatches participant BatchVerifier participant BatchVerifierFactory participant ArtifactCreator participant ArtifactCreatorFactory rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,PendingBatches: Setup publishing for an Artifact Supervisor ->>+ PublisherFactory: Start publishing PublisherFactory ->> BatchVerifierFactory: Create Batch Verifier BatchVerifierFactory -->> PublisherFactory: Return BatchVerifier activate BatchVerifier PublisherFactory ->> ArtifactCreatorFactory: Create ArtifactCreator ArtifactCreatorFactory -->> PublisherFactory: Return ArtifactCreator PublisherFactory ->> PublishHandle: PublishHandle::new() PublishHandle -->> PublisherFactory: Return PublishHandle %% update for functions calls PublisherFactory -->>- Supervisor: Return PublishHandle end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,PendingBatches: Processing batches loop When a new batch is available Supervisor ->> PublishHandle: A Batch is available loop Drain pending batches PublishHandle ->> PendingBatches: Request a pending Batch PendingBatches -->> PublishHandle: Some(Batch) PublishHandle ->> BatchVerifier: Add Batch to BatchVerifier end end end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over PublisherFactory,PendingBatches: Cancel building current Artifact Supervisor ->> PublishHandle: Notify of Cancel PublishHandle ->> BatchVerifier: Cancel publishing BatchVerifier -->> PublishHandle: Return deactivate BatchVerifier PublishHandle -->> Supervisor: Return (consume self) end


sequenceDiagram participant Publisher participant BatchVerifierFactory participant BatchVerifier participant Executor participant Scheduler rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over BatchVerifier,Executor: Create and start BatchVerifier Publisher ->> BatchVerifierFactory: start(context) BatchVerifierFactory ->> BatchVerifier: start(scope, state) BatchVerifier ->> Executor: new(txn_handlers, context_manager) Executor -->> BatchVerifier: Result Executor, Err BatchVerifier ->>+ Executor: start() Executor -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: new(context_manager, current_state_root) Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result Scheduler, Err %% add callback/channel BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: set_result_callback(callback) Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier ->> Executor: execute(Scheduler.take_task_iterator, Scheduler.new_notifier) activate Scheduler Executor -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier -->> BatchVerifierFactory: Result Self, Err BatchVerifierFactory ->> Publisher: Result BatchVerifier, Err end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over BatchVerifier,Executor: Add batches for execution loop When Publisher adds a Batch Publisher ->> BatchVerifier: add_batch(Batch) BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: add_batch(Batch) Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier -->> Publisher: Result (), Err end end rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over BatchVerifier,Executor: Execute batch and send results over callback %% add collect results %% adds execution loop loop When results are returned from the callback Scheduler ->> Executor: Execute batch from Scheduler Executor -->> BatchVerifier: BatchResult through callback end end %% split the two below into alternatives rect rgb(192, 192, 192) Note over BatchVerifierFactory,Executor: Stop execution and gets results alt Finalize execution Publisher ->> BatchVerifier: finalize() BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: finalize() Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: cancel() // abort all batches that have not completed Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier -->> Publisher: Result Vec<BatchExecutionResult>, Err else Cancel execution Publisher ->> BatchVerifier: cancel() BatchVerifier ->> Scheduler: cancel() Scheduler -->> BatchVerifier: Result (), Err BatchVerifier -->> Publisher: Result (), Err end deactivate Scheduler deactivate Executor end