
Splinter is a privacy-focused platform for building distributed applications with your choice of distributed ledger technology. Splinter’s innovative architecture provides a privacy-first networking layer, support for customized smart contracts and your choice of consensus, and APIs for developing enterprise applications.

Splinter is not just a distributed ledger platform. Instead, Splinter is a flexible distributed platform that can support a variety of distributed ledger patterns and consensus algorithms. Its modular architecture allows you to choose the underlying distributed ledger software that best suits the needs of your consortium, while providing true privacy for participants.

The combination of Splinter’s architecture and powerful feature set supports a wide variety of application patterns with your choice of enterprise integration, application interfaces, and transaction processing.

This topic describes Splinter’s key benefits:

You can also learn about when Splinter might not be the right choice.

True Privacy with Circuits

Splinter was designed for privacy from the beginning, with a simple architecture that reduces operational complexity.

Circuits are private groups of nodes within a larger network that provide private communication for the participants in that circuit. Only the members of a circuit can see the transactions and shared state for the circuits they are involved in. Not only are circuit messages and transactions private between members — even circuit membership is hidden from other Splinter nodes.

This key feature means that Splinter is significantly different from blockchain platforms with privacy features that can leak information to management nodes or administrators. Because Splinter doesn’t send private information to external nodes, it is appropriate for advanced application architectures that require participants to be hidden from each other.

  • Splinter circuits are fully decentralized, for both operation and management. Splinter circuits require only the participating nodes. No separate management node is needed to order, preprocess, notarize, endorse, or validate transactions.

  • Circuits are dynamic — they can be created as needed with a secure set of messages between participant nodes. Splinter nodes accept peer connections through a locked-down network management circuit. Nodes use this management circuit to propose a new circuit and agree to join a circuit.

  • Circuit control can be delegated to end users, instead of being controlled by IT teams or centralized circuit managers. The nodes themselves use consensus to agree to the new circuit; no external administrator or “pre-peering” process is needed to create and manage circuits.

  • Splinter circuits share state privately — with circuit members only. No central database is required for storing data changes or state information.

Distributed Ledger Platform as a Service

Splinter uses services to provide distributed ledger functionality, including transaction processing, a consensus mechanism or other agreement protocol, and smart contracts. This feature allows Splinter to support a variety of distributed ledger models, unlike other platforms that embed their distributed ledger functionality in the core architecture.

Splinter provides the Scabbard service as an example implementation of a distributed ledger platform. Scabbard includes the following components:

  • Transact, a platform-agnostic Rust library for executing transactions from on-ledger smart contracts with a smart contract engine. Transact handles all aspects of scheduling, transaction dispatch, and state management.

  • Sawtooth Sabre, a smart contract engine for WebAssembly (WASM) smart contracts

  • Two-phase commit protocol, a simple agreement protocol (instead of a complex consensus algorithm) for stable, multi-party networks with trusted participants.

It’s important to explain exactly what “distributed ledger” means for Scabbard, because other platforms use this term differently. In general, a distributed ledger implements a shared database using public–private key cryptography, transaction rules, and an agreement protocol (usually a consensus mechanism) for accepting those transactions.

Scabbard is a distributed ledger implementation designed around the following essential principles that enable multi-party trust and provide a strong platform for distributed ledger applications.

  • State agreement is guaranteed with state proofs.

    The distributed ledger has an underlying state model that uses a Merkle-Radix tree to store state data on each Splinter node. This model provides a state root hash — a “roll-up” of current state — that is the cumulative hash of all data and child hash pointers in the tree. If any state data changes, all the hashes in that branch will change, which forms a new version of state. As a result, the state root hash allows state proofs (also known as “Merkle proofs”) to guarantee that all nodes agree on the current state.

  • Execution of business logic is governed by the rules for transactions and state agreement.

    Business logic on a distributed ledger is represented by smart contracts that define the rules for actors and transactions. Scabbard stores each smart contract on the ledger as bytecode. Any authorized party can submit a smart contract to the ledger with a cryptographically signed transaction, which is handled the same way as any other transaction: validation, state proof, and agreement are required before committing the smart contract. Submitting a transaction for a smart contract executes it in a deterministic way, which guarantees that all nodes get the same result.

  • Agreement protocols enforce the consistency of transactions, state agreement, and smart contracts.

    Scabbard uses an agreement protocol (a consensus algorithm or other method of reaching agreement) for nodes to reach agreement on all transactions, including those that submit a smart contract. The decision to commit is made on the basis of identical state proofs for all nodes.

But Scabbard’s distributed ledger implementation is only the beginning. Splinter’s modular architecture can support a variety of distributed ledger models, from Ethereum-style networks with virtual machines for running smart contracts to platforms that use separate moderators or transaction-ordering nodes. Because Splinter doesn’t embed a specific distributed ledger in its core architecture, adding a different style of distributed ledger is possible by replacing the Scabbard service with a different service or set of services.

Flexibility with Splinter’s Modular Architecture

Splinter supports both single and multiple processes for distributed ledger components. Other blockchain platforms have separate processes for the validator, consensus engine, and smart contract engine (or transaction processor functionality). The optional Scabbard service in Splinter combines all transaction management functionality as a single process. However, Splinter also allows multiple processes for distributed ledger components.

Splinter’s consensus API allows pluggable consensus, which means that a service can provide a consensus engine for the algorithm or agreement protocol that best suits the application. Most importantly, the consensus API is “block agnostic” — it can accept data in any format, unlike platforms with a built-in concept of blocks.

Splinter’s modular architecture is designed to allow new data storage and communication mechanisms.

  • For data storage, Splinter’s goal is to let application developers choose the appropriate storage mechanism.

  • Because Splinter provides agnostic communication across various transport layers, such as TCP or TLS, it can easily be extended to additional transport layers by implementing a few simple Rust traits.

Smart Contracts That Can Share State

Sawtooth Sabre, which is included in the Scabbard service, implements in-ledger smart contracts that are executed in a WebAssembly (WASM) virtual machine. Smart contracts can be written in any language that can be compiled to WASM.

Scabbard’s smart contracts are stored in state and executed by each participant node in the circuit, rather than on a separate node or virtual machine. This state is shared with all participants on the circuit, but the services for that circuit ensure that the state is invisible to other Splinter nodes (those not participating in the circuit).

Most importantly, a smart contract can share state with other smart contracts. Each smart contract manages its own area of state (its own namespace), but is not restricted to that state. A smart contract can access another smart contract’s state, as controlled by Sabre permissions. Splinter’s design for sharing state simplifies the complex approach of other blockchain platforms, where sharing state means embedding one smart contract into another.

Sabre’s smart contracts are compatible with Sawtooth. You can write a Sawtooth transaction processor (Sawtooth’s version of a smart contract) in Rust, then convert it to a Sabre smart contract that can be used for a Splinter circuit.

Quick Startup for Application Development

Splinter includes several APIs for application development:

  • Service API for building custom services to send and manage opaque messages between nodes on a circuit. The Scabbard service handles consensus, smart contracts, and transaction processing (with the two-phase commit agreement protocol, Sawtooth Sabre, and Transact, respectively). However, Splinter is designed to support other smart contract engines and transaction processing software.

  • Consensus API for building custom consensus protocols. The Scabbard service currently includes the multi-party two-phase commit agreement protocol instead of a consensus protocol. The consensus API makes it easy to add other types of consensus, such as Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) or Proof of Work (PoW).

  • Custom REST APIs for extending services to external tools. For example, the Scabbard service uses this API to expose endpoints for smart contract submission.

Splinter provides a growing list of optional features that are needed by many applications, so that application developers don’t have to reimplement this common functionality. For example, the application authorization handler manages notifications for pending circuit proposals and lets an application register for specific proposal-related events. The Biome component provides user and private key management, which helps bootstrap applications that need to add smart contract capabilities to an existing infrastructure that doesn’t already include the concept of transactions signed by a user.

Splinter’s experimental features allow optional access to new functionality. Because Splinter is undergoing rapid development, new capabilities are initially added as experimental Rust features that are exposed by the splinter library. This lets developers access bleeding-edge features in a controlled way, because these features often change before they are stabilized. (Biome is an example of a Splinter component that was added as an experimental feature.) Developer feedback is strongly encouraged for experimental features.

Splinter provides Gameroom as a complete example for building smart-contract-based applications with the Splinter platform.

Event Subscription for State Changes

As described earlier, the Scabbard service includes Transact for transaction processing and state management. State agreement is achieved with the Merkle-Radix tree, allowing multiple nodes or services to prove they have the same data down to the last bit, cryptographically.

The Scabbard service implements a Sawtooth-style event system so that applications can subscribe to events of interest. State delta export allows an application to materialize the state data from the Merkle-radix tree to another database, event stream, log, or other mechanism. This allows applications to query and analyze the smart contract state in their own business-specific databases.

Complex Patterns for Data Flow

Splinter has clear benefits when compared to traditional EDI systems and ETL processes, which provide data- or outcome-focused data flows. Splinter enables complex data flows based on transactions as well as data changes, which allows partners to collaborate and update the data in a secure and verifiable way.

With Splinter, your application can import data, allow partners to collaborate on changes (with verified state agreement), and export changes in the required format. Smart contracts allow even more elaborate patterns for data generation and updates.

Auditable Open Source

Splinter is open source software, licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 software license. The Splinter source code is freely available and auditable.

Why NOT Splinter?

Even with all of its benefits, Splinter isn’t perfect for all uses. For example:

  • If your consortium is comfortable with a centralized database owned by one organization or an intermediary, Splinter isn’t the right choice, because you don’t need a distributed blockchain application.

  • If your data and transactions can be shared with a CSV file, the transactional nature of Splinter is more power than you need.

  • If you like what you’ve learned about Splinter but need a mature platform, just wait a little while. Splinter will be ready for production use soon. Better yet, join us and help make Splinter work for you!