Splinter Registry

Circuit creation is an important activity for Splinter administrators. Part of creating a circuit is to specify the Splinter nodes that will be members of the new circuit; to do this, admins need some way to find the nodes. The Splinter registry feature enables administrators to easily find the nodes they’re looking for.

What is a registry?

A Splinter registry (or just “registry”) is a list of nodes that can be browsed (and sometimes directly managed) by an administrator. Data for each of the nodes in the registry include:

  • Display name
  • Node ID
  • List of network endpoints
  • List of public keys associated with the node
  • Arbitrary metadata

Registries may provide node data from a variety of sources, including local and remote files, databases, and even other registries, as is the case with the unified registry.

Unified Registry

Splinter registry admin diagram

The Splinter daemon (splinterd) uses a unified registry, which aggregates data from multiple “source” registries. There are two types of sources:

  • The internal registry is a local, modifiable list of nodes that belongs solely to the Splinter daemon. A unified registry has only one internal registry. All modifications to the unified registry, like adding or updating a node definition, are stored in the internal registry.

  • External registries are, as the name implies, managed externally. They are read-only to the unified registry, and they cannot be modified using the registry APIs. A unified registry may have zero or more external registries.

Data Merging and Precedence

The unified registry merges data from its internal and external registries, presenting a single, aggregated view of all the data.

If a node with the same ID exists in multiple sources, the definition of the node from the highest-precedence registry is used. The internal registry has the highest precedence; the precedence of the external registries is determined by the order in which they’re specified (see Configuring the splinterd Registry to learn how external registries are configured).

Node metadata (arbitrary key/value pairs associated with a node) is merged from all sources; if a node with the same ID exists in multiple sources, the metadata for that node is merged from all of them. If the same metadata key is set for a node in multiple registries, precedence is determined in the same way as node definitions.

External registries are the recommended way to manage lists of known Splinter nodes because they can be shared in a consistent way across a Splinter network. The internal registry is only available on the local Splinter node, so any data added, modified, or removed from it will not be reflected on other nodes. This can be useful in some cases, but generally it’s desirable for node data to be consistent across the network.

While most node data is static, it is sometimes necessary to modify the properties of a node that’s defined in an external registry. This can be done using the internal registry, but it’s usually better to modify the external registry directly.

If an external registry is modified (the file is edited or the database is updated), the unified registry will detect the changes and update the information it provides. How external changes are detected and loaded by the unified registry depends on the type of external registry.

Types of External Registries

There are currently two external registry implementations provided by Splinter:

  • Local YAML files exist on the filesystem. The local file is cached in memory, so if the file is removed or becomes unavailable, its contents will remain available as long as the Splinter node is running. Any changes made directly to the file will be immediately detected by the unified registry.

  • Remote YAML files are accessed over HTTP and cached to a local YAML file; if the remote file becomes unavailable, its contents from the last successful read will continue to be available, even across restarts. Changes made to remote files are fetched periodically; see Configuring Remote YAML File Refreshes for details on how this works.

Local and remote YAML files contain arrays of nodes, where each node definition provides all required fields and some optional metadata:

- identity: "Node1"                       # Required, must not be empty
  endpoints:                              # At least one endpoint is required
    - "tcps://"           # Must not be empty
  display_name: "Bitwise IO - Node 1"     # Required, must not be empty
  keys:                                   # At least one key is required
    - "000000000000000000000000000000000" # Must not be empty
  metadata:                               # May be empty
    company: "Cargill"

Configuring the splinterd Registry

The external registries that will be used by splinterd are configured using the --registries CLI option and the registries config file setting. Each external registry is specified with a URL:

  • For remote YAML files, the URL should begin with http:// or https://.
  • For local YAML files, the URL should be the path to the file on the local filesystem, prefixed with file://.

When using the CLI option, registries can be specified either as a comma-separated list, or with multiple uses of the option. These examples are equivalent:

$ splinterd ... \
  --registries file:///path/to/local_registry.yaml,https://www.example.com/remote_registry.yaml \
$ splinterd ... \
  --registries file:///path/to/local_registry.yaml \
  --registries https://www.example.com/remote_registry.yaml \

When using the config file option, the registries should be specified as a TOML array. This example is equivalent to the CLI examples:

registries = ["file:///path/to/local_registry.yaml, https://www.example.com/remote_registry.yaml"]

Configuring Remote YAML File Refreshes

The splinter daemon periodically checks remote YAML files for changes in two ways:

The splinter daemon provides two options for configuring the behavior of remote YAML file registries:

  • Automatic refresh: The remote file is fetched in the background at a regular interval of time. This interval is configured with the --registry-auto-refresh CLI option and registry_auto_refresh config file setting. The default value is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

  • Forced refresh: After a period of time since the last refresh, the next read operation will fetch the remote file; this is similar to cache invalidation. The forced refresh time is configured with the --registry-forced-refresh CLI option and registry_forced_refresh config file setting. The default value is 10 seconds.

Both the automatic refresh interval and the forced refresh time options take the number of seconds as an argument. These CLI and config file examples are equivalent:

$ splinterd ... \
  --registries https://www.example.com/remote_registry.yaml \
  --registry-auto-refresh 60 \
  --registry-forced-refresh 5 \
registries = ["https://www.example.com/remote_registry.yaml"]
registry_auto_refresh = 60
registry_forced_refresh = 5

For more information on how the automatic and forced refreshes work, see the Remote YAML Registry Rust documentation.

Accessing and Updating the Unified Registry

The splinter daemon’s unified registry can be accessed via the REST API. The following registry endpoints are provided by splinterd:

  • POST /registry/nodes adds a node to the registry
  • GET /registry/nodes lists nodes in the registry
  • GET /registry/nodes/{identity} fetches a node in the registry by its identity
  • PUT /registry/nodes/{identity} adds or replaces a node in the registry
  • DELETE /registry/nodes/{identity} deletes a node from the registry

For more information, see the Splinter registry routes REST API reference .

Any changes made to the unified registry will be saved to its internal registry. These changes will be persisted across splinterd restarts.